Water Use and Environment – Mechanism of Water Pollution
村上定瞭(水浄化フォーラム), Sadaaki Murakami (Water & Solutions Forum)
Mechanism of water pollution
The process of polluting the environmental water quality of substances flowing into running water under the control of environmental conditions has a complicated interrelationship with various factors. Influent materials form a polluted water environment as a result of spatial movement associated with water movement. During the time course of the migration process, the material changes and the quality of the running water changes. The degree of pollution depends on the amount of substances flowing in and the conditions of the water environment that receives them, and if the amount of substances flowing in becomes excessive, water pollution will occur.
Water pollution is a temporary process for improving water quality, apart from one-sided obstacles caused by poisonous substances. It is important for countermeasures against water pollution to understand the causal relationship between the phenomenon of water pollution and the substances that cause it, the aspect of mass transfer, and the mechanism of material change.
Material cycle and biological action
Water circulates on the earth while changing its shape to gas and liquid, and is not stationary for a moment. Water performs various functions while circulating, but the important function is the transportation of substances. Water flowing on the ground surface carries sediment and dissolved salts and stores it in the sea. Organisms take water into their bodies and at the same time ingest necessary substances to grow and obtain energy for life.
In the natural world, as shown in Fig.1 , the production, consumption and decomposition of substances are always carried out through living organisms, and the maintenance of the ecosystem is sound as long as a certain equilibrium is maintained. However, when human intervention becomes extremely large or when it acts by ignoring the structure of ecosystems, changes occur immediately toward destruction. Such a state is water pollution.
For example, suppose organic matter flows into a river. After a while, bacteria propagate using this organic matter as a nutrient source. If the amount of this organic matter is small, it will be decomposed into bacteria and the river will return to its original state, which is called self-recovery action. However, when the self-recover action is exceeded, the river becomes anaerobic, and gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are generated together with methane and carbon dioxide, which causes a so-called dead river and serious water pollution occurs.

図1 生態系における物質循環 Fig.1 Material cycle in ecosystem
Natural recovery action in river
The self-purification action of running water means that polluted substances decrease and polluted water approaches original clean water during the passage of time and spatial movement. The self-purification action can be divided as follows from the action mechanism.
(1) Physical action: Diluted by fresh water flowing in from a tributary, diffusion into a large amount of water, mixing, precipitation, removal of pollutants by filtration, volatilization of volatile substances into the atmosphere, etc..
(2) Chemical action: Oxidation / reduction action due to light, oxygen, ozone, lightning, etc., redox reaction due to oxidizing or reducing substances, adsorption to sediment substances, chemical reaction between substances, aggregation due to agglomeration, etc. Material loss occurs.
(3) Biological effects: Pollutants are removed by ingestion and metabolic decomposition by aquatic organisms such as microorganisms, plankton, aquatic plants and fish.
Groundwater pollution
Unlike surface water, groundwater flows slowly. Furthermore, since the direction of water flow is difficult to grasp and there is a flow in the depth direction in addition to the horizontal direction, it is extremely difficult to identify the pollution source and predict the extent of influence. Dilution does not work against the inflow of pollutants due to the small flow rate. Self-recovery functions such as volatilization, external exclusion such as adsorption, oxidative / reductive decomposition, photolysis, and biodegradation are difficult to work. The behavior of pollutants in groundwater is complicated and unclear, and it takes a lot of labor, time, and cost to clarify them.
When groundwater pollution is discovered, it is difficult to trace the time of the pollution to the past because the condition of the pollution lasts for a long time. Therefore, it is difficult to recover contaminated groundwater even in a small amount, and its effects are long-term, widespread and dangerous.
Eutrophication essentially means that the amount of nutrients in a lake gradually increases. Immediately after the formation of the Earth’s core, the lake has no nutrient source for living organisms, and it stores almost pure water. Even in such an oligotrophic lake where there are few living organisms, nutrient salts gradually flow in from the surroundings, and nutrient salts flow in and accumulate, and organisms can be generated. The living organisms die and are deposited on the bottom of the lake, nutrients accumulate, elute again and by new supply, while the organisms repeatedly generate and die, their concentration gradually increases, deep lakes, It gradually fills up due to the addition of biological mortality and inflow of earth and sand, and eventually becomes a marshland, forming a plateau and transitioning to a forest area. The eutrophication phenomenon originally means such a natural transition phenomenon.
In recent years, human activities have become large-scale, and in environmental waters, especially in closed waters, the rate of improvement of nutritional conditions has accelerated, and nutritional conditions have become excessively good. As shown in Fig.2 , when nutrients flow into the closed water area, algae breeds, which deposits on the bottom and elutes nutrients by anaerobic biodegradation, which causes algae breeding again. In this way, the nutrient salts that have flowed in are accumulated and the water quality progressively deteriorates, causing water damage such as death of fish and the offensive odor of tap water.
Eutrophication is a phenomenon in which nutrient salts such as nitrogen and phosphorus are abundant in closed water areas such as lakes and bays, and phytoplankton and algae are propagated based on the nutrient salts, resulting in rich flora and fauna and seafood. .. This is a preferable phenomenon from the viewpoint of improving the productivity of water bodies. However, if the inflow of nutrients becomes excessive, the water quality and bottom quality will deteriorate, and the biota will become monotonous, causing malicious blue-green algae and red tides. As it progresses further, only bacteria and protozoa are put into a humorous state, and a foul odor is generated. Domestic water and industrial waste water flow in, and nutrients are likely to become excessive in water areas where water tends to stagnant.

図2 閉鎖系水域の富栄養化の機構 Fig.2 Mechanism of eutrophication in closed waters
All living organisms take in substances that are present in their environment, whether or not they are needed. Fish in water are contained in foods that are eaten as food, and in addition to taking in various unnecessary substances, substances in water are also taken in from body surfaces such as gills and scales. Aquatic plants also incorporate various substances from roots, stems and leaves. Moreover, the amount of accumulation is determined by the rate of absorption and excretion, but in general, the concentration in organisms is often higher than the concentration in environmental water. Here, the ratio between the concentration of the substance in the organism and the concentration of the substance in the environmental water in which the organism inhabits is called the concentration ratio or concentration factor.
The abundance ratio of harmful substances in the body gradually increases as the environment moves from organisms to prey and predators. First, phytoplankton, algae, and aquatic plants, which are producers, propagate from nutrients in water. Consumers such as zooplankton and herbivores feed on this, and higher-level consumers, carnivores, feed on this animal. This relationship is called the food chain. People are always ranked highest in the process of this food chain. In particular, seafood, which is a food from the natural world, has the highest concentration ratio. Therefore, even if the concentration of harmful substances in the environment is very small, substances such as chlorine-based organic compounds represented by dioxins that are difficult to decompose and have a high concentration factor by organisms are progressively concentrated in the food chain process, This will cause serious damage to animals and humans at the higher levels.