Biofilm reactor and technology for water treatment
村上定瞭(水浄化フォーラム), Sadaaki Murakami (Water & Solutions Forum)
(1) 身の回りの生物膜の例
(2) 水域の生物膜モデル
(3) 生物膜法の工学的利用
(1) 反応槽の方式と種類
(2) 散水ろ床法
(3) 接触曝気法
(4) 生物ろ過法
(5) 回転円盤法
(6) 流動床法
(7) 生物膜の洗浄・再生
(1) 材質による分類
(2) 形状による分類
(3) 比重による分類
(4) サイズによる分類
(5) ろ床の支持体
(6) 担体の選定指標
(1) 水道水ー緩速ろ過
(2) 家庭排水-小型浄化槽
(3) 流動担体型活性汚泥法
(4) 工業排水ー難分解性有機物
(5) ゼロエミッション型水産養殖
(6) 河川浄化
(1) 観賞魚水槽
(2) 難分解性工業有機廃水
1. Function and characteristics of biofilm
(1) Examples of biofilms around us
(2) Biofilm model of water area
(3) Engineering use of biofilm method
2. Biofilm reactor
(1) Reaction tank method and type
(2) Sprinkling filter method
(3) Contact aeration method
(4) Biological filtration method
(5) Rotating disk method
(6) Fluidized bed method
(7) Biofilm cleaning and regeneration
3. Type and selection of carrier
(1) Classification by material
(2) Classification by shape
(3) Classification by specific gravity
(4) Classification by size
(5) Filter support
(6) Carrier selection index
4. Examples of biofilm utilization
(1) Tap water – Slow filtration
(2) Household drainage – Small septic tank
(3) Fluidized carrier type activated sludge process
(4) Industrial wastewater – Persistent organic matter
(5) Zero-emission aquaculture
(6) River purification
5. Experimental method of biological filtration (other pages)
(1) Ornamental fish aquarium
(2) Persistent industrial organic wastewater
In the natural world, rivers, lakes and marine areas, a large ecosystem consisting of bacteria, small animals, fish spawning, fry, large and small fish, etc., where a biofilm develops on the surface of sand, gravel, aquatic plants, seaweed, coral reefs, etc.
On the other hand, there is a system that artificially controls the biological environment and constructs a biofilm having a desired purification function. In addition to a single system, there are various purification systems that include physical, chemical, and civil engineering techniques.
Examples of applications of the biofilm technology are to 1) fish reefs and seaweed beds, 2) water for fish culture, live fish in distribution route, and ornamental fish, 3) domestic wastewater at each house, housing, and offices where are ruaral areas, 4) large-scale water and sewage where are urban areas, 5) industrial water and wastewater, 6) rivers, lakes and marine areas.
Here, we will explain not only the purification of domestic and industrial wastewater, but also the functions of biofilms in a broad sense including purification of rivers, lakes and marine areas, and their application examples.
1) 台所・風呂などの「ぬるぬる」
2) 河川や海岸の砂・礫・岩などの皮膜
3) 水草・海藻
1. Function and characteristics of biofilm
(1) Examples of biofilms around us and in the natural environment
1) “Slimy” in the kitchen, bath, etc.
Even if you clean the washing tub/triangular corner of the kitchen, the bathtub/floor of the bathroom, etc., these will become “slimy” within a day.
2) Films of sand, gravel, rocks, etc. on rivers and coasts
Sand, gravel, rocks, etc. on rivers and coasts are covered with coatings of various colors and thickness, such as green to brown.
3) Aquatic plants and seaweed
Several tens of cm to several meters of aquatic plants and seaweeds flourish on the bottom of transparent rivers and shallow waters. A substance like mud adheres to these leaves and stems.
Microscopic observations of the deposits in the water area, descried in 2) and 3), reveales that various bacteria such as bacteria around 1 μm to a few mm of micro animals and plants were there. It can be seen that living things are mixed and living there. It constitutes the ecosystem of the food chain, including bacteria, fungi, and algae that ingest nutrients in the water, and protozoa and small animals that prey on them. Sand, gravel, aquatic plants, and seaweed create not only a habitat for micro-organisms, but also a space for spawning, fry, and small fish.
Further, the “slimy” described in 1) is a mucous substance secreted by bacteria, and has not only the ability of bacteria to adhere to a solid surface but also the ability to capture fine solid matter (polymer substance). This substance contains enzymes that hydrolyze macromolecules to lower the molecular weight (amino acids, organic acids, sugars, etc.), and bacteria incorporate the low molecular weight substances through cell membranes.
(2) Material cycle in waters and Biofilm model
In this section, in order to simplify the material cycle by the ecosystem of water bodies, we classify groups as bacteria (decomposer, anaerobic/aerobic), plants (producer, photosynthetic ability), animals (consumer, predator) as shown in Fig.1.
Bacteria play a major role in reducing the molecular size of solid substances such as dead bodies, excrements, and remains of plants and animals, and in taking the dissolved substances into the cells to metabolize and decompose them. Bacteria are roughly classified into obligate aerobic (aerobic), facultative anaerobic (anoxic), and obligate anaerobic (anaerobic). Inorganic substances of such as nitrogen, sulfur and iron as well as organic substances are degraded by bacteria to small sizes under aerobic or anaerobic condition.
Organic compounds are converted to carbon dioxide and methane gases, and nitrogen compounds are converted to nitrogen gas by the series of bacteria metabolisms as described above, and these matrials are released to the outside of the water zone. On the other hand, phosphorus reacts with iron, aluminum, calcium, etc. in the aerobic state to form a sparingly soluble salt, but in the anaerobic state, it becomes soluble in water due to reduction of iron and pH decrease. This re-dissolved phosphorus serves as a fertilizer for crop plants in the land area, but in the water area, it causes toxic substances to fish such as water-bloom in freshwater and red tide in seawater and offensive odor by micro-algae growths. In lakes and the like, the grown micro-algae settle to the bottom of the water and die, and by repeating the material circulation of Fig.1, water quality deteriorates and nutrient salts accumulate there. Such a natural phenomenon is called eutrophication. In the sea area, micro-algae such as red tide release toxic substances, which cause the death of fish and the accumulation of toxic substances in the shells of predators.
The characteristic of the sewage purification system using the biofilm is that the eutrophication mechanism is skillfully used to remove pollutants. In addition, when eutrophication dams and lakes are used as water sources, in addition to coloring, nasty smell and taste, they also serve as sources of trihalomethanes, but these cannot be removed only by biofilms. Therefore, physical and chemical facilities (chlorine, ozone, activated carbon, etc.) are required.

図1 自然界における生態系による物質循環と生物膜の理解モデル
Fig.1. Model for understanding material cycle and biofilm by ecosystem in the natural world.
(3) Engineering use of biofilm method
In the natural world, bacteria survive aerobic, facultative anaerobic and obligate anaerobic in response to their environmental conditions, but in water purification, the environment is engineered to control the environment in a well-balanced manner. Then, the method of removing each pollutant from wastewater is adopted.
1) 生物膜法の特徴
水浄化に細菌類を利用する方法には、1) 細菌類を水中に懸濁状態で利用する浮遊法と2)本ページで扱う個体表面に付着・保持して利用する生物膜法がある。
1) Features of the biofilm method
Methods for utilizing bacteria for water purification include 1) a suspension method in which bacteria are used in a suspended state in water, and 2) a biofilm method in which the bacteria are retained on the solid surface described on this page.
Comparing biofilms to the suspension method (Table 1), the amount of microorganisms in the effective volume is small, but it is resistant to load fluctuations, the amount of sludge generated is small, and maintenance is easy.
The low microbial load per an unite device volume is due to that the biofilm method utilizes surface area or inter-carrier voids (or spaces), whereas the suspension method utilizing the entire water space resulting in high load availability. But, the biofilm method is strongly stable against changes in water inflow and polutant load because the microbial community is immobilized. It does not mean that the treated water quality is stable against excessive loads. The amount of sludge generated is small because an ecosystem consisting of a wide variety of organisms is formed and the proliferated microorganisms are eaten by other organisms.
Since the biofilm system is easy to maintain and manage and used at domestic small-medium purification facilities such as on site septic tanks for domestic wastewater at detached houses[Described in 4.(2)], etc.
Table 1 Comparison of biofilm method and suspension method in water purification.

2) 生物膜法の分類
2) Classification of biofilm method
The viewpoint of conditions for the bacteria classfies biofilum methods: 1) a method of converting organic matters in wastewater into carbon dioxide by keeping aerobic conditions, 2) another using bacteria which breathe with bound oxygen under anoxic (oblique) conditions to convert nitrogen oxide compounds to nitrogen gas, and 3) the last using a group of bacteria under absolute anaerobic conditions which hydrolyzes/dissolves organic solids and converts the dissolved organic matters to methane and carbon dioxide.
From the viewpoint of process and civil engineerings, the methods of using biofilm are as follows: 1) Retaining a biofilm in a reaction tank (pond) to purify wastewater, and 2) constructing a purification system in rivers, lakes and seas.
Although solids that retain microorganisms are often called carriers, they are also called fillers, contact materials, filter media, etc. depending on the method and field of use. In addition, a portion constituting (filling) the carrier is referred to as a carrier bed, a contact bed or a filter bed.
Further, there are 1) a fixed bed method in which the microbial carrier is placed in the apparatus and 2) a fluidized bed method in which the microbial carrier is fluidized in the reaction tank.
As mentioned above, there are various types of biofilm methods as a single unit device and as the compex system including the filter unit, and they are widely used in various water purification fields.
2. Biofilm reactor
Generally, in Japan, the water and sewage treatment facilities, those treat large amounts of water, occupy a vast area and so the unit equipment is called pond. The unit equipment that processes some amount of water is called tank. Unless otherwise specified, both tank and pond are decribed here as reaction tank or reactor which include the auxiliary equipments (units supplying air/oxygen, water flow/level gauges, pumps for inflow/outflow/circulation, extraction unit of excess sludge, separation/washing unit of biofilm, etc.)
(1) Method and type of reactor
The system and type of reaction tank are shown in Fig.2. First, the reaction tank is classified into a water sprinkling type (A) and an immersion type. In the sprinkling type, the carrier is in contact with the atmosphere, and in the immersion type, the carrier is entirely immersed in water. Immersion type is divided into fixed bed type (B) and fluidized bed type (C). In a fluidized bed, the carrier is free flowing in the tank and is in contact with wastewater.
The fixed bed type is further classified into an upflow type and a downflow type. In addition, there are multi-layer type (D) and sealed type (E) among the fixed bed reactors, and in the sealed type, a pressure gauge for measuring the pressure loss of the filter bed or an external head difference gauge is attached to properly operate and wash the carrier. The sealed type is used as a water purification facility with a small installation area and space (the maximum pressure loss is usually set to 1 to 2 m of water pressure).
In the case of the multi-layer type, carriers having different specific gravities are often filled to separate each carrier layer, but a reaction tank in which carriers having different properties are held/separated by a support is also used.
The representative biofilm methods are shown in the figures below.

図2 生物膜法の反応槽形式
Fig.2 Reactor type of biofilm method:
(A) water sprinkling, (b) fixed bed, (C) fluidized bed,(D) multi-layer bed, and (E) sealed reactor.
(2) Sprinkling filter method
In the sprinkling filter method, water is sprinkled on a filter bed packed with a carrier and purified by microorganisms adhering to the surface of the carrier. Oxygen is supplied from below the filter bed by natural convection of air. Previously, stones and gravel were used as the carrier, but nowadays, various shapes of plastics that are light and have a large specific surface area are used. It is easy to maintain and save energy. The water sprinkler sprays filthy water uniformly on the filter bed, and a typical method is the rotary water sprinkling method.
On the other hand, the quality of water may be deteriorated due to the generation of flies and offensive odors, the loss of biofilm at the change of seasons, the bubbling of treated water, and the increase of suspended solids.
Although this method is rarely adopted in Japan today, it is a simple method and is internationally effective depending on the local situation.
(3) Contact aeration method
The contact aeration method is a fixed type in which the filter bed (contact bed) is entirely immersed in waste water, and equipment for supplying oxygen is required. In the absolute anaerobic contact method similar to the method above, the reaction tank is sealed to prevent the dissolution of oxygen, and waste water is passed through the filter bed. In the denitrification system, the filter bed is anoxic and water is passed through to reduce nitrite/nitrite ions into nitrogen molecules.
For oxygen supply, air is diffused into the space in the reaction tank to dissolve oxygen, and the airlift effect causes the wastewater to stir or circulate to bring it into contact with the carrier in the filter bed. As shown in Fig.3, there are three methods of full aeration, side aeration, and central aeration. When the filter bed becomes large, the contact between the wastewater and the carrier becomes uneven. Therefore, the reaction tank is partitioned or a plurality of reaction tanks are installed to distribute and inflow the wastewater, and the wastewater and the carrier are uniformly contacted. It is general that the length : width of the filter bed is 1 : 1 to 3.
As shown in the plan view of the figure, the central type and the side type also have a void, cylindrical type (A), an elliptic cylindrical type (B), or a plate-divided type (C and D).
When installing an aerator for cleaning the carrier, the types (C) and (D) are suitable for removal during repairs or cleaning inside pipes. The type such as (A) can make the packing rate of the carrier in the reaction tank high, but it is difficult to manage the auxiliary equipment at the bottom of the filter medium, and the carrier that can separate the biofilm by jet water flow from the top or it is suitable for a carrier that is easily fluidized by backwashing.
In the contact aeration type, since the separated pieces of the enlarged biofilm are mixed in the purifed water, a sedimentation tank is required in the latter stage. A typical application example is a small-medium-sized septic tank that treats domestic wastewater (see Fig.11 below).

図3 接触曝気法における酸素供給と循環接触
Fig.3 Oxygen supply and circulating contact in the contact aeration method
全面曝気型 full aeration, 中央曝気型 side aeration, 側面曝気型 central aeration.
正面図 vertical cross section, 平面図 horizontal cross section.
(4) Biological filtration method
It is a purification system that has the functions of capturing solid substances and decomposing dissolved substances, and often uses a granular or small size hollow carrier as a filter bed materials with a low porosity. It is used to purify water and wastewater with low concentrations of pollutants including both solid and soluble. The latter settling tank is not attached except for special cases.
Carriers with a diameter of several mm or more are used for water purification in aquariums for ornamental, aquaculture and live fish. For slow sand filtration at water treatment plants, sand with an effective diameter of 0.5 to 0.7 mm and a uniform coefficient of 1.7 or less is used. When the pressure loss is high and the efficiency of aeration circulation is low in a filter bed with a small size carrier used, the wastewater containing oxygen is inflowed and circulated through the reaction tank (see the external aeration in Fig.4).

図4 生物ろ過法の酸素供給と循環接触
Fig.4 Oxygen supply and circulation contact of biological filtration method.
内部型:internal aeration, 外部型:external aeration
(5) Rotating disk method
A large number of lightweight and strong discs (diameter 3 to 5m) are fixed to the center axis of the main body at regular intervals (basic configuration), and approximately 40% of the disc surface area is provided in the anti-endo type contact reaction tank. It is dipped (Fig.5) and rotated at a low speed at a peripheral speed of the disk of 20 m/min or less by a driving device. Depending on the amounts of wastewater and pollutant, the above basic configurations may be used alone, or a plurality of them may be combined in series or in parallel to form a system. A separation tank for removing sludge and the like is required at the latter stage.

図5 回転円盤法の事例 Fig.5 Example of Rotating disk method
引用資料 Material cited: 三鈴工業 Misuzu Industry
(6) Fluidized bed method
A reaction tank that uses a carrier that has some same specific gravity as water and that freely flows with wastewater (only agitating in an anaerobic tank, aeration stirring in an aerobic tank) holds microorganisms on the surface and inside the carrier to purify wastewater. (Fig.2(C)).
Generally, a hollow cylindrical, skeletal spherical, granular or sponge-like (see Photos 1 and 2 below.) carrier having a diameter of several to several tens of mm is filled in about 10 to 30% of the reaction tank. A screen is installed on the outflow side of the treated water to hold the carrier inside the tank. In addition, there is also a method of fluidizing the wastewater in a fixed screen frame.
The biofilm on the surface of the carrier is peeleded by the collision/contact between the carriers and renewed to have an appropriate film thickness. In addition, inside the carrier, the number of days of retention of the microorganisms is kept long, and bacteria having a slow growth rate such as nitrifying bacteria can be retained. Generally, a sludge separator is attached at the latter stage.
Improved efficiency of activated sludge method
This method is often applied to the existing activated sludge method to increase the amount of microorganisms in the reaction tank to improve the treatment efficiency, and it is possible to use a special microorganism group (for example, one with a slow growth rate) different from the general group. It can be held on a carrier to add a special function.
In addition, when the load on the existing treatment facility increases or decreases from the original plan due to changes in the situation or a new function is added, a strainer etc. will be attached to the treated water outflow part when introducing this method.
Only by doing so, it is possible to deal with the situation without modifying or expanding existing facilities.

図6 流動担体型型活性汚泥法
Fig.6 Fluidized carrier type activated sludge process.
引用資料 Matrial cited: 化工機プラント 環境プラント Kakoki Plant & Environment Engineering.
一般的には、稼働時より速い流速の洗浄水またはろ床への直接曝気等により 1) 担体を流動状態にする方法と 2) 固定された担体表面から直接剝離する。また、3) 反応槽内の汚水を引き抜いて手作業による水道水のジェット水流により生物膜を直接剝離する方法では、ろ床底部まで洗浄水が届く形状の担体(図7(A))に限定される。
4) 連続洗浄法では、均一粒径率の高い砂など、流動性・耐摩耗性の高い担体に適用される。洗浄後の濁りが発生することなく、低い一定のろ過抵抗で安定した良質のろ過水が連続的に得られる。この方法は生物膜法というより物理的なろ過に分類されるが、メタノール添加により脱窒素機能を有するなど生物機能を付加することが可能となる。連続洗浄法の代表的なものに移床式上向流連続砂ろ過がある(図7(D)参照)。
(7) Cleaning and regeneration of biofilm
The biofilm attached to the carrier grows due to the growth of microorganisms. The filter bed is partially or wholly clogged, resulting in inadequate contact of water with the organisms adhering to the carrier and a reduction in purification ability. Separation and removal of the biological film attached to the carrier is called washing or regeneration of the filter bed. In addition, backwashing is used when washing and regeneration are performed by reversing the direction of water flow through the filter bed. It may be called backwash regardless of the method of cleaning and regeneration.
The cleaning method is classified into a manual method, an automatic method, a constant interval method and a continuous method (Fig.7). The selection of these methods depends on the types and formats of carriers and reaction vessels and the maintenance system.
Generally, 1) a method of bringing the carrier into a fluidized state by direct aeration of wastewater from the bed botom or by a water flow through the filter bed at a flow velocity faster than during operation, and 2) separating the carrier directly from the fixed carrier surface. Further, 3) In the method in which the waste water in the reaction tank is drawn out and the biofilm is directly separated by the jet stream of tap water by manual work, it is limited to the carrier bed such as shown in Fig.7(A) having a shape that allows the wash water to reach the bottom of the filter bed.
4) The continuous washing method is applied to carriers with high fluidity and abrasion resistance, such as sand with a high uniform particle size ratio. Stable and good quality filtered water can be continuously obtained with low constant filtration resistance without generating turbidity after washing. This method is classified as a physical filtration bed rather than a biofilm method, but it becomes possible to add a biological function such as having a denitrification function by adding methanol. A typical continuous washing method is a bed transfer type upflow continuous sand filtration (see Fig.7(D).).

図7 生物膜の洗浄・再生
Fig.7 Biofilm cleaning and regeneration.
Wshing the fiter bed: (A) Regularly manual work, (B) Regularly aeartion, (C) Regular reverse circulation, (D) Continuous cleaning, (B) and(C) is possible to operaste automatically.
担体の種類と選定には、生物膜法を用いた反応槽の方式と深く関係する。特に、反応槽の方式として1) 散水ろ床法・2) 接触曝気法・3) 生物ろ過法・4) 流動床法では、利用目的が異なり選定する担体も大きく異なる。また、方式2)~4)を同一の反応槽に組み込み、加えて好気・嫌気条件も異なる複雑な浄化システムも多数ある。いずれの方式・システムにおいても、必須の共通事項は、肥大化した生物膜の剝離(洗浄・逆洗)をどのような方法で行うかによって、選定する担体も異なることである。
3. Type and selection of carrier
The type and selection of the carrier are closely related to the reactor system using the biofilm method. In particular, in the 1) sprinkling filter method, 2) contact aeration method, 3) biological filtration method, and 4) fluidized bed method, the purpose of use differs and the carrier to be selected also greatly differs. In addition, there are many complicated purification systems in which methods 2) to 4) are installed in the same reactor system and aerobic and anaerobic conditions are different. Whatever any methods/systems are used, the essential common matter is that the carrier, to be selected, also differs depending on the separating method for the enlarged biofilm (by washing or backwashing).
担体は、1)天然品か 2)合成品か、また材質からは無機質か有機質かに大別される。
無機質には 1)に属する砂・礫・石・アンスラサイト(無煙炭を破砕したもの)・死骸サンゴ、2)に属するセラミック(焼成品)・ゼオライトなどがある。有機質には1)に属するシュロ(ヤシ科植物の皮)・ヨシなどの繊維質など、2)に属するプラスチック・合成繊維などがある。
(1) Classification by material
Carriers are roughly classified into 1) natural products and 2) synthetic products, and depending on the material, inorganic or organic.
Inorganic substances include sand, gravel, stones, anthracite (crushed anthracite), coral carcasses belonging to 1), and ceramics (calcined products) and zeolite belonging to 2). Organic substances include palm (skin of coconut plants) and reeds that belong to 1), and plastics and synthetic fibers that belong to 2).
In the purification of environmental water (rivers, lakes, seas, etc.), there are naturally aquatic plants, seaweeds, stalks of waterside plants, roots of bottom mud surface, sand and gravel, and many artificial products that imitate these have been done.
(2) Classification by shape
Granular, spherical/ellipsoidal, cubic/rectangular, plate-like (uneven or corrugated), cloth-like, thread-like, cylinder-like, lattice-like, porous, etc., or a combination of these shapes in three dimensions. (Fig.8). In a fluidized bed, granular or sponge-like carriers are used. The carrier in which the plate-like materials are three-dimensionally combined can be cut into an appropriate size and directly attached to the reaction tank.

図8 担体の形状の事例
Fig.8 Example of carrier shape.
Table 2 Shapes of general carriers used for anaerobic filter beds in septic tanks [Nikkan Kyoiku Center, 2017]

(3) Classification by specific gravity
The specific gravity of the carrier that can be filled in the reaction tank is divided into three types: sedimentation, floatability and fluidity.
In a fixed-type filter bed, except for a carrier fixed in a plate-like or lattice-like form, a settling or floating carrier is in a stationary state during operation (in particular, an upflow type). In backwashing or washing the carrier by aeration, the specific gravity (depending on the size) is required for the carrier to be in a fluidized state. The carrier used for the fluidized bed is required to have a specific gravity that allows it to freely flow in accordance with the flow of water.
Further, in the multi-layer filter bed, the layers are separated by the difference in specific gravity (the difference in settling velocity is related to the size and the specific gravity), or the layers are separated by different filter beds held in a mesh strainer frame. In the case of a multi-layer filter that is separated by a water flow, the specific gravity (including size) of the carrier is a selection inex.
形状によっては、担体サイズとその機能に大きな相関はないが、空隙率の低い砂など粒状の担体はそのサイズ(均等率を含む)と機能の相関性が高い。例えば、上水の浄化では懸濁物質の除去に緩速ろ過がある。これは5m/日(= 25cm/時間)の流速で通水する。この機能は、沈降分離池で除去できない微細粒子を捕捉するとともに、ろ床上部に生息する原生動物が捕捉粒子を摂取して有機物を分解している。また、比重の大きい礫・石などは、生物膜の洗浄・再生が難しくなる。また、円筒形の担体はサイズが小さくなると、筒内に生物膜が充満し、その洗浄・再生法が困難となる。
機能が異なる担体をストレーナー等で分層する反応槽内にあっては、支持体内部に逆洗展開率(下記3.(6) 5)を参照)を満たす空間を設けるなど、洗浄・再生が可能な構造とする。
(4) Classification by size
Depending on the purpose and use of water purification, the size of the carrier is an important factor for selection.
Depending on the shape, there is no significant correlation between the carrier size and its function, but a granular carrier such as sand with a low porosity has a high correlation between its size (including the even ratio) and its function. For example, in the water purification for tap water, slow filtration is used to remove suspended substances. It passes through at a flow rate of 5 m/day (= 25 cm/hour). This function captures fine particles that cannot be removed in the settling pond or tank, and protozoa inhabiting the upper part of the filter bed ingest the captured particles to decompose soluble organic matter. It is difficult to clean and regenerate the biofilm for gravel and stones that have a large specific gravity. In addition, when the size of the cylindrical carrier is reduced, the cylinder is filled with the biofilm, which makes it more difficult to wash and regenerate the carrier.
In a reaction tank in which carriers having different functions are separated by a strainer or the like, a structure capable of cleaning and regeneration is provided by making a space inside the support frame that satisfies the backwash blanket rate (see 3.(6) 5)) below).
(5) Filter bed support
The support which holds the carrier should satisfy the items; 1) a function that allows the carrier for water to flow in and out uniformly toward the entire horizontal section of the filter bed, 2) a function that the carrier does not flow out of the filter bed, and 3) a structure that does not hinder backwashing (especially, for aeration cleaning of the carrier of large size), 4) strength to withstand load (high specific gravity of the carrier, high filtration resistance, etc.), and 5) low pressure loss through the support (especially, for small size carriers such as sand, beads, etc.). When the horizontal surface area of the filter bed becomes wider, the structure shall be made such that the support is blocked so as to meet the above requirements 1) to 5).
Regarding the item 2), slits or mesh-shaped carrier receivers and retainers having a smaller mesh size than the carrier are installed at the inflow/outflow parts of the carrier filling tank. Since there is a high possibility of blockage at the part that receives and holds the carrier, be careful in design and maintenance. For biological filtration where the carrier size is particularly small, strainers and the like are attached.

図9 担体支持体の事例 Fig.9 Example of carrier support
(6) Carrier selection index
1) Filling rate of filter bed
The filter bed volume (regardless of fixed or fluid) occupying the effective volume of the reaction tank is called the carrier filling rate [%].
ろ床容積に占める空間容積を空隙率といい、ろ床容積に占める水量 [m3/m3] でほぼ表すことができる。具体的には、水を満たした水槽に一定容積の担体を入れ、増加した水量で求める方法、あるいは空の水槽に一定容積の担体を充填し、担体上部表面まで水を満たして、その水量から空隙量を求めることができる。空隙率はろ床内に保持する生物量と処理性能に大きく影響するが、担体の洗浄・再生の方法やその間隔の日数・回数などの維持管理の面から選定する。
2) Space rate in carrier filter bed
The space volume that occupies the filter bed volume is called the space(or void) rate, and can be almost expressed by the amount of water [m3/m3] that occupies the filter bed volume. Specifically, the amount of space can be calculated by either method in which a fixed volume of carrier is placed in a water tank filled with water and the amount of water is increased, or an empty water tank is filled with a fixed volume of carrier and water is filled up to the upper surface of the carrier. The space rate has a great influence on the amount of organisms retained in the filter bed and the treatment performance, but it is selected from the viewpoint of the method of washing the carrier and the maintenance such as the number of the operation intervals.
流動水が接触できる担体の面積で、比表面積とは単位容積当たりの担体の表面積 [m2/m3] で表すことができる。活性炭は分子 (10-10mレベルのサイズ) を吸着し、ミクロポア(10-9mレベル)やマクロポア(10-6mレベル)を含めて表面積を表す。生物膜担体では付着する細菌類は10-6mレベルであるので、活性炭などの化学物質吸着材の表面積 [m3/kg] とは異なることに留意する。マクロポアやミクロポアを有する多孔質担体も広く用いられているが、主として製造過程で担体比重を制御している。
3) Specific surface area of carrier
The surface area of the carrier that can come into contact with flowing water, and the specific surface area can be expressed as the surface area of the carrier per unit volume [m2/m3]. Activated carbon adsorbs molecules (size of 10-10m level), and micropores (10-9m level) and macropores (10-6m level) is included to express the surface area. Note that bacteria attached to biofilm carriers are at some level of 10-6m, which is different from the surface area [m3/kg] of adsorbents for chemical substances such as activated carbon. Porous carriers having macropores or micropores are also widely used, but the carrier specific gravity is mainly controlled in the production process to ajust the surface area.
4) Carrier wear
Since the carrier is regularly washed to separate the enlarged biofilm, the carrier is consumed due to crushing, peeling, tearing, etc., so periodical replenishment is required, and a wear-resistant carrier is desired. Particularly, in a fluidized bed, collision and contact always occur, so that the wear resistance of the carrier is an important factor.
逆洗を行う場合、洗浄水の水量が少ないほど、抜取り汚泥の処理・処分の手間・経費が削減される。逆洗により担体が流動状態となる容積のろ床容積に対する増加率 [%] で示す。逆洗展開率が低いほど、洗浄水が少量となる。また、洗浄水の流速>沈降(また浮上)速度で流動状態となるので、展開率は担体の比重・サイズと洗水の速度・粘度(水温)に依存することとなる。
5) Backwash blanket rate
For backwashing, the smaller the amount of wash water, the less labor and cost for treating and disposing of the extracted sludge. It is indicated by the rate of increase [%] of the volume of the carrier blanket that becomes fluidized by back-washing with respect to the filter bed volume. The lower the backwash blanket rate, the smaller the amount of wash water. Further, since the flow state of the wash water > the settling (or floating) velosity, the fluidized state depends on the specific gravity/size of the carrier and the velosity/viscosity (water temperature) of the wash water.
6) Adhesion of biofilm to carrier
The adherence of bacteria to the carrier surface depends on various factors such as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, their organisms, wastewater components and their concentrations, freshwater/seawater, and temperature. For bacteria with weak adherence, the carrier porosity, floc-forming ability, and carrier surface properties (fine irregularities, cilia, surface charge, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, etc.) are factors.
The adhesiveness of the biofilm is required to be appropriate so that the biofilm is retained on the surface of the carrier during operation and the enlarged biofilm is detached and removed by a simple operation such as backwashing. As described above, the adhesive force of the biofilm depends largely on the properties and shape of the surface of the carrier, which is an important index for selection.
For the purpose of improving the efficiency of the activated sludge method, specified carriers have also been developed among the carriers that are easily fluidized. The nitrifying bacteria group is selected by utilizing the difference in the adhesiveness of ordinary organic carriers between the oxidizing bacteria group and nitrifying bacteria group.
In addition, in a filter bed with a low void rate, microbial flocs are more likely to be retained in the voids between the carrier particles rather than being attached to the carrier surface and/or inside pores.
緩速ろ過池の機能として、1) にごりの除去、2) 気性微生物によるアンモニア・マンガンの除去、3) 微生物によるかび臭いの除去、4) 生分解性および吸着による有機物の削減、5) 微少動物の摂取によるクリプトの不活性化などが上げられる。
4. Example of water purification using biofilm method
(1) Slow filtration for tap water
At the water purification plant, sand removal in raw water (Fig.10-②), suspension removal by coagulation sedimentation (④), filtration removal of fine particles (⑤), disinfectant (chlorine) input (⑥). After these processes, tap water is supplied to each household through the distribution reservoir (⑧). The activated carbon contact treatment (③) is used to remove odorous components and persistent substances in raw water, but is not a process installed at all water treatment plants.
In step (⑤), when raw water is passed through the slow filtration basin, a biofilm with a few millimeters of algae and microorganisms is naturally formed on the bed sands. In the slow filtration, water is purified mainly by the action of microorganisms when passing through this biofilm bed. It was previously used in many waterworks, but due to the large installation space and the deterioration of the water quality of the water source, it has been replaced by the rapid filtration equipped with auxiliary equipment (processes ③ and ④) in the previous stage. But it is introduced as an example of the use of biofilm for water purification because it has various interesting functions.
The functions of the slow filtration basin are 1) removal of turbidity, 2) removal of ammonia and manganese by microorganisms, 3) removal of musty odor by microorganisms, 4) reduction of organic substances by biodegradability and adsorption, 5) crypto inactivation by ingestion of small animals.

図10 浄水場のしくみの事例 Fig.10 Example of the structure of a water purification plant.
引用資料 Reference material:和歌山市 Wakayama city
浄化槽の構造は、流入水 → 1) 固形物の沈降分離と浄化(嫌気性、2槽)→ 2)曝気槽 → 3) 沈殿槽→ 4)消毒→ 放流のプロセスから構成されている。さらに、2)曝気槽の硝化液を1)無酸素槽へ返送(窒素除去)、3)沈殿槽の汚泥を3)曝気槽の底面へスロットタイプで移動させ、この汚泥をエアリフトで 1)嫌気槽へ返送して貯留/消化する機能を有している。
(2) Small septic tank for household wastewater
In today’s septic tank “Jokaso” certified in Japan, not only removal of organic substances, but also many products having high function of removing nitrogen and phosphorus are used. Here, a small size of nitrogen removal type septic tank is taken as an example.
The structure of the septic tank consists of processes: inflow water → 1) settling of solids and their digestion (anaerobic, two tanks) → 2) aeration → 3) sludge settling → 4) disinfection → release.
In addition, the nitrification solution in the aeration tank 2) is returned to the anoxic tank 1) (nitrogen removal), sludge in the settling tank 3) is moved to the bottom of the aeration tank 2) through a slot type bottom of the tank 3), and this sludge is returned to the anaerobic tank 1) for storing and digesting it. These functions are dirived by one air pump.
Here, different carriers are attached to anaerobic tank 1) and aeration tank 2) to improve the efficiency of each tank. The anaerobic tank uses a fixed bed, and the aeration tank uses either a fixed bed or a fluidized bed.
Although the domestic wastewater septic tank is compact, it has various contrivances in terms of stable performance and maintenance with functions such as oxygen supply, movement of wastewater and sludge, cleaning and regeneration of the filter bed with an air pump. It has multiple functions, the system has the same water purification performance as a public sewage treatment plant even if maintenance (inspection, cleaning, and sludge removal) is performed for several months or an year. See the page for detail.
What the editor especially wants to emphasize is that a social system for the dissemination and management of septic tanks in which the local government and the private sector are united has been established, and proper maintenance, inspection, cleaning and sludge removal are being carried out properly, rusuling in that the environmental problems is solved and that it contributes to local employment.

図11 窒素除去型浄化槽 Fig.11 Nitrogen removal type Jokaso (Certified septic tank in Japan).
1) 嫌気ろ床槽 anaerobic tank with fixed filter bed, 2) 好気ろ床槽 aeration tank with fixed filter bed, 3) 沈殿槽 sludge selting tank, and 4) 消毒槽 disinfection tank.
引用資料 Material cited: 小諸市 Komoro city
活性汚泥法を用いた汚水処理施設での問題点は、1) 計画水量以上の下水の流入、2) 汚泥膨化(バルキング)、3) 窒素・リンの除去、4) 発生汚泥量の削減などがある。これらの解決策の一つとして、曝気タンクへの流動担体法がある。この方法の利点は、曝気槽に担体流出を阻止するスクリーンを付設するだけで上記課題を解決できることにある。
(3) Fluidized carrier type activated sludge process
The problems in the wastewater treatment facility using the activated sludge method are 1) inflow of wastewater more than the planned amount of water, 2) sludge expansion (bulking), 3) removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, 4) reduction of the amount of generated sludge. As one of these solutions, there is a fluidized carrier method for an aeration tank. The advantage of this method is that the above-mentioned problems can be solved only by attaching a screen for preventing carrier outflow to the aeration tank.
The features of this fluidized carrier type activated sludge method are 1) improvement of treatment efficiency and downsizing of equipment, 2) simplification of operation management, and 3) reduction of generated sludge. The carrier filling rate is about 10 to 20% of the effective volume of the aeration tank. To reduce the amount of carrier due to flow, replenishment is performed regularly. Since the specific gravity is close to that of water and it can suspend in water by aeration and stirring to retain as many microorganisms as possible, carriers having various materials, shapes and performances have been developed and put into practical use. The same principle applies to the aeration tank in the above septic tank and the detail is described in the section 2.(6) and shouwn in Fig.6. The following photos show two examples of fluidized carriers.

写真1 流動担体事例1)Fluidized carrier exampl 1) クラゲール Kuragel

写真2 流動担体事例2)Fluidized carrier exampl 2) アクアキューブ Aquacube
(4) Industrial wastewater-hard-degradable organic matter
2,3,4,4-Tetrahydroxybenzophenone (THBP) is a raw material for photoresists used in semiconductor manufacturing. The main pollutant in the effluent of the THBP manufacturing process is THBP, which also contains a small amount of raw materials and by-products. These pollutants are aromatic compounds and extremely bio-undegradable.
The basic process of this effluent treatment is to generate active chlorine by electrolysis (Fig.12) with seawater added and ferrite as the anode, and to convert/reform THBP and its by-products into biodegradable substances, and then use the biofilm method. It is a method of removing by one of the immersion filtration (biological filtration, Fig.13 and Photo 3) methods. This case uses a biofilm method that can grow and retain microorganisms that can treat special wastewater. The growth rate is slow and the acclimatization period requires more than half a year, but the feature is that very little sludge is generated. This is a case as a basic test experiment for scale-up to to activated sludge method. See the literature for details.

図12 電解実験装置 Fig.12 Electrolysis experimental device.

図13 浸漬ろ床実験装置 Fig.13 Immersion filter bed test equipment.

写真3 浸漬ろ床実験装置の全景 Photo 3 View of the immersion filter bed test equipment.
このモデルは、飼料 → 魚類 → 残存飼料・排泄物 → 微生物(生物膜)→ 無機塩類 → 水耕栽培(栄養塩類除去)の生態系循環経路より構成される。実験装置の概略を図15および写真4に示す。水耕栽培の生産物は天日乾燥の後、野菜畑の有機栽培に利用する。生物膜法の担体として、吊り下げ紐状を利用している。詳しくは文献を参照のこと。
(5) Zero-emission aquaculture-biological filtration and vegetation
It is a model of zero-emission aquaculture (Fig.14) that uses hydroponic cultivation in order to prevent self-pollution of aquaculture, improve productivity and prevent environmental damage.
This model consists of ecological circulation pathways: feed → fish → residual feed/excretion → microorganisms (biofilter) → inorganic salts → hydroponics (nutrition removal). An outline of the experimental setup is shown in Fig.15 and Photo 4. The hydroponic products are used for organic cultivation of vegetable fields after being dried under the sun. A hanging string is used as a carrier for the biofilm method. See the literature for details.

図14 ゼロエミッション型水産養殖のモデル
Fig.14 Zero-emission aquaculture model.

図15 ゼロエミッション型水産養殖の実験装置の概要図
Fig.15 Schematic diagram of zero-emission aquaculture experimental device.

写真4 浸漬ろ床による浄化実験装置
Photo 4 A experimental bioreactor using immersion biofilter.
(5) River purification-building of rivers and pools
It is an example of river purification that reproduces the “shoal” and “abyss” that can exert the self-cleaning action that the river originally has. This is an example of various river purification projects carried out by MLIT.
In the “abyss” where the flow is slow, there is a place to settle and contact the solid matter, and in the “shoal” where the water flow is fast, the oxygen supply necessary for catalytic oxidation. The water is purified when passing through and/or between the sand and gravel which surfaces are covered with biofilm.
This method is characterized not only by the purifying action of rivers, but also by the providing place for a variety of protozoa and tiny animals that inhabit and for the habitat of various small and large fish to separate living places between “shoal” and “abyss”.

写真16 瀬と淵の造成による河川浄化の事例
Photo 16 A case of river purification by creating a river and a pool
引用資料 Mterial cited: 国土交通省 MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Nikkan Kyoiku Center (Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation), 2017: Maintenance of Jokaso (first volume), p.175
Other references, illustrations, photographs, etc. cited are shown in the text.
Posted: October 10, 2017
Update: August 3, 2020 (English version added)