High oxygen concentration type activated sludge process – no excess sludge
村上定瞭(水浄化フォーラム), Sadaaki Murakami (Water & Solutions Forum)
Ⅰ. 活性汚泥法とは
Ⅱ. 基本設計・操作因子
Ⅲ. 回分型-室内実験
Total table of activated sludge process
Ⅰ. What is the activated sludge process?
Ⅱ. Basic design and operation factors
Ⅲ. Batch type – indoor experiment
Ⅳ. Continuous type – indoor experiment
Ⅴ. Deterioration of activated sludge and countermeasures
Ⅵ. High oxygen concentration type – no excess sludge (this page)
Ⅶ. Sludge reduction type
Ⅷ. Membrane separation type – indoor experiment
1. Introduction
In a biological method using microorganisms such as domestic wastewater, microorganisms that ingest pollutants grow, and therefore it is necessary to treat and dispose of the grown microorganisms (sludge).
Taking domestic wastewater as an example, the amount of wastewater per person per day is 200L and its BOD is 40g/person, and if the sludge generation rate in biological treatment is 0.5 to 0.8, the amount of sludge produced will be 20 to 30 g/day/person. When generated to concentrated waste (or excess) sludge with a water content of 98.5%, it will be 1.3 to 2.1 L/day/person, and a family of five will generate 2.4 to 3.8 m3 of sludge in one year (Fig.1).

図1 生活排水の浄化に伴う汚泥の発生量
Fig.1. Amount of sludge generated by purification of domestic wastewater in Japan.
酸素曝気型活性汚泥の歴史は古く,実施設例も少なくない[2]。本法は、1) 高負荷・負荷変動に対して安定、2) 沈降・凝集性に優れ、バルキングがない、3) 余剰汚泥の生成量が少ないなどの特徴がある。
1) 酸素濃度を高く保持する(DO>10mg/L)ことにより、活性汚泥の増殖速度と自己分解速度が等しく、かつ、その状態が安定に保持できるかどうか。
2) その安定な系の活性汚泥を構成する微生物群の種類は、標準の活性汚泥(DO:1~数mg/L)を構成するものと異なるものかどうか、遺伝子解析により確認すること。
Oxygen aeration type activated sludge has a long history and many examples have been implemented [2]. This method has the following features: 1) Stable against high load and load fluctuation, 2) Excellent sedimentation and cohesiveness, no bulking, and 3) Small amount of excess sludge produced.
Based on the above background, experiments were conducted for the following purposes.
1) Whether keeping the oxygen concentration high (DO > 10mg/L) makes the growth rate of the activated sludge equal to the self-decomposition rate and keeps the the sludge state stable.
2) Confirm by genetic analysis whether the types of microorganisms that make up the oxygen activated sludge are different from those that make up the standard one (DO at 0 to several mg/L).
3) As a result of experiments over several years, it was confirmed that a system that does not generate excess sludge was established under conditions of DO > 15 mg/L or more, and that the composition of the microbial community was different from the standard type (Fig. 2).

図2 標準および高酸素濃度の活性汚泥法の比較
Fig.2. Comparison between standard and high oxygen concentration activated sludge processes.
2. Experimental
(1) Experimental device
The outline of the experimental system is shown in Fig.3. It consists of an aeration tank, a settling tank, sewage supply, and oxygen gas supply. Two series of oxygen aeration system and air aeration system were operated using the experimental equipment of the same structure.
(a) Aeration tank
The aeration tank is a sealed glass container with an effective volume of 3L and has a structure that can circulate the constant temperature water (25°C) to keep the bio-reaction temperature constant.
The supply of sewage and oxygen gas, liquor transfer from the aeration tank to the settling tank, and separated sludge return from the settling tank to the aeration tank were carried out with each silicon tube (inner diameter 3 mm) by connecting to a stainless steel tube (internal diameter 3mm) which pass through a rubber plug from the top of the aeration tank to the inside.(Photo 1, right).
(b) Settling tank
Effective volume 3L triangular pyramid type settling tank, all settled sludge was returned to the aeration tank.
(c) Liquid transfer pump
The sewage supply pump was a small diaphragm metering pump set to 6L/day (Q) and the aeration time (sewage residence time) was set to 12h.
Transfer of the mixed liquor from the aeration tank to the settling tank can be adjusted to 2.5Q by the tube metering pump connected to the stainless steel tube whose tip is fixed at the water level (3L) of the aeration tank, and corresponds to the inflow quantity. The amount of the mixed liquor was sucked and transferred to keep the water level in the aeration tank constant.
The sludge separated in the settling tank was returned to the aeration tank at the flow rate Q by the tube metering pump.
(d) DO control in the aeration tank
In a small sealed aeration tank, from the viewpoint of not being able to immerse the DO sensor in the tank and from the viewpoint of maintenance management, the DO of the mixed liquor was circulated to the DO measurement unit (Fig.4) for DO measurement. DO in the aeration tank was set to a predetermined value by opening and closing an electromagnetic valve connected to an pure oxygen cylinder (with decompression valve and flow rate regulator) to supply oxygen gas. The air aeration system was tested with a configuration in which a diaphragm pump was replaced in place of the pure oxygen cylinder.

図3 高酸素濃度型活性汚泥法の室内実験装置の概要
Fig.3. Outline of indoor experimental equipment for high oxygen concentration type activated sludge process.
A: Aeration tank (3L), S: Settling tank (3L), SD: Stirrer, F1: Test raw water, F2: Discharged water, P1 to P3: Metering pump, OC: Pure oxygen cylinder, O1: Oxygen supply, O2 : Gas discharge, FC: Pressure reduction/flow rate regulator, DO: DO measurement controller, MV: Electromagnetic valve, TW: Constant temperature circulating water, TS: Constant temperature water tank.

図4 溶存酸素濃度測定センサーのユニット
Fig.4. Unit of dissolved oxygen concentration measurement sensor.
T-shaped PVC pipe fitting with DO sensor and test linquor circulation tube.

写真1 実験装置の様子
Photo 1. Experimental equipment
(Left) Overall view of the equipment, A: Aeration tank, S: Settling tank, W1: Waste water storage tank, W2: Treated water tank, P1: Waste water supply pump system, P2: Liquid transfer pump group, C: Control system; (Right) Aeration Tank.
実験には、有機物としてスキムミルクを、pH調整剤(処理水のpH6.5以上を保持)としてNaHCO3-Na2CO3を成分とする模擬生活排水を用いた(表1)。この汚水の汚濁指標(mg/L)は、BOD 200、COD 200、TOC 160、TN 64、TP 4.1である。曝気槽3Lに対して300mg-BOD/Lを6L/dとしたので、容積負荷は0.4kg-BOD/m3である。
(2) Sample sewage
In the experiment, skim milk was used as the organic substance, and simulated domestic wastewater containing NaHCO3-Na2CO3 as the pH adjuster (holding the treated water at pH 6.5 or higher) was used (Table 1). The pollution index (mg/L) of this sewage is BOD 200, COD 200, TOC 160, TN 64, TP 4.1. Since 300 mg-BOD/L was set to 6L/d for 3L of aeration tank, the volumetric load was 0.4kg-BOD/m3.
Table 1. Components of simulated wastewater (in 10L of tap water).

毎日: 各送液ポンプの稼働状況、チューブ系の破損・閉塞・漏洩、酸素ガスの供給状況、曝気槽・沈殿槽の状況、処理水中の流出汚泥など、点検を行い、適宜対応した。
毎日: pH、DO
毎週3回(月、水、金): MLSS(安全ピペッター装着25mLホールピペット用いて、曝気槽から直接採取)
毎週1回(水): 活性汚泥の沈降特性(100mL試験管に70mL採取して測定)、処理水中のBOD、TOC
(3) Operation management
Every day, we also performed maintenance inspections on all public holidays, including New Year and Bon Festival periods.
(a) Test sewage
Prepared 10L of test sewage every day.
(b) Maintenance and inspection of experimental equipment
Every day: The operation status of each liquid delivery pump, tube system damage/blockage/leakage, oxygen gas supply status, aeration tank/settling tank status, sludge in treated water, etc. were inspected and taken appropriate action.
(c) Measurement item
Since the aeration tank has a small capacity, the amount of activated sludge for measurement was set as small as possible.
Everyday: pH, DO
Twice a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday): MLSS (Use a 25 mL hole pipette with a safety pipettor to collect directly from the aeration tank)
Once a week (water): Settlement characteristics of activated sludge (measured by collecting 70 mL in 100 mL test tube), BOD, TOC in treated water
活性汚泥微生物群のDNAを抽出し、1) 16S-rRNA断片をPCR法によって増幅し、2) DGGE法により展開し、3) 得られた各バンドを切り出してシーケンス解析による微生物群の構成を検索した。本法の詳しい説明は別のページで記載することとし、ここでは省略する。
(4) Gene analysis
DNA tests of activated sludge microbial group were done by 1) amplifying 16S-rRNA fragment by PCR method, 2) developing by DGGE method, 3) cutting out each obtained band and searching for microbial group composition by sequence analysis. A detailed description of this method will be given on another page and will not be repeated here.
3. Results
(1) Number of experimental days
The experimental period for each DO setting was 200 days or longer. During the whole experiment period, sludge was not extracted except for measurement sampling.
(2) Status of activated sludge
Photo 2 shows an example of the settling characteristics of activated sludges of air and oxygen systems.
In the air system, the settling blanket interface was not clear, and there was sludge dismantled in the upper liquid. In the oxygen system, the settling sludge interface is clear, and there is almost no demolition sludge in the supernatant. (see Fig.1 in the other page).
The settling characteristics of such sludges for both systems were similar during all experimental periods. Therefore, runoff sludge was observed in the treated water in the air aeration system.
The both of activated sludge operations were carried out with no sludge removal from the systems, resulting in follows.
1) Oxygen system (DO > about 10mg/L): The activated sludge showed no change and was stable.
2) Air system (DO at 1 to several mg/L): the activated sludge deteriorated in about 1 month, and there was no interface of the settling sludge. The sludge could not be separated from the treated water, and the restart experiment was repeated with new sludge seed.

写真2 活性汚泥の沈降特性の一例
(左)観察開始時、(右)圧縮沈降時; ➀:空気曝気系汚泥、➁:酸素曝気系汚泥
Photo 2. An example of settling characteristics of activated sludge.
(Left) Start of observation, (Right) At compression settling; ➀: Air aeration sludge, ➁: Oxygen aeration sludge.
(3) Oxygen consumption
The oxygen consumption required for bio-oxidation is the same for both pure oxygen and air aeration. On the other hand, when the pollutant disappears, DO rises sharply (see Fig.1 on page V). At this time, the DO value that has reached saturation depends on the oxygen partial pressure and the oxygen transfer coefficient.
From the above, there is no big difference between the amount of pure oxygen diffused and the set value of DO. From this, in high oxygen concentration type activated sludge, the oxygen gas consumption does not greatly depend on the set DO. At high DO settings, there is only a slight increase in oxygen gas supply.
(4) Relationship between DO and MLSS
Since it is a small 3L sealed container, accurate DO control by opening and closing the solenoid valve was difficult. In particular, the DO measurement was performed by circulating the mixed liquor through an external measurement unit (Fig.4), so the time delay with respect to the response is considered to be a major factor. As for the actual DO value with respect to the target DO value, the higher the set value, the larger the fluctuation range of the DO. For MLSS, in addition to the measurement error, a fluctuation range of several tens of days was also observed.
Fig.5 shows the relationship between DO and MLSS. From this relationship diagram, there is a large difference in the relationship between DO and MLSS below and above DO 15mg/L.

図5 溶存酸素濃度DOと活性汚泥濃度MLSSとの関係図
Fig.5. Relationship between dissolved oxygen concentration DO and activated sludge concentration MLSS.
A: Air aeration, B to D: Oxygen aeration
PCR-DGGE法の一例を写真3に示す。この解析事例は、DOの設定値を2mg/L(空気)、10mg/L(酸素:窒素 = 4:1)、15mg/L(酸素)に対するものである。酸素・窒素混合ガスの実験は、実用化における吸着分離式酸素発生装置による酸素曝気を想定したものである。
参考までに、酸素曝気系の確認できた生物種の存在比(%)は、Haliscomenobacter 33、Ferruginibacter 14、Pontibactor 7、Acidovorax 6、Fluviicoda 4であった。
なお、微生物群の遺伝子解析は、1) 同一の生物群相が各実験系DO環境の変化に対応したものか、2) DO環境に適した新たな生物群相が構成されたものか、を確認することが目的であった。
(5) Genetic analysis of microbial community
Photo 3 shows an example of the PCR-DGGE method. This analysis case is for DO set values of 2mg/L (air), 10mg/L (oxygen:nitrogen = 4:1), and 15mg/L (oxygen). The experiment of the oxygen/nitrogen mixed gas is based on the assumption of oxygen aeration by the adsorption separation type oxygen generator in an actual use.
The composition pattern of the microbial community of activated sludge is greatly different depending on each DO. In air aeration and mixed gas, the same species are often found, but in oxygen aeration, there are some species different from the above two cases.
For reference, the abundance ratio (%) of the biological species in which the oxygen system was confirmed was Haliscomenobacter 33, Ferruginibacter 14, Pontibactor 7, Acidovorax 6, and Fluviicoda 4.
For genetic analysis of microbial communities, the test purpose was to confirm whether 1) the same biota corresponds to changes in the DO environment of each experimental system, or 2) a new biota suitable for the DO environment is constructed.

写真3 16S-rDNA解析(PCR-DGGE法)による活性汚泥・微生物群の比較
(左)空気曝気(DO 2mg/L)、(中)混合ガス(酸素:窒素 = 1:4)曝気(DO 10mg/L)、(右)酸素曝気(D0 15mg/L)
Photo 3. Comparison of activated sludge and microbial community by 16S-rDNA analysis (PCR-DGGE tests).
(Left) Air aeration (DO 2mg/L), (Middle) Mixed gas (Oxygen: Nitrogen = 1:4) Aeration (DO 10mg/L), (Right) Oxygen aeration (D0 15mg/L)
(6) Treated water
When BOD and TOC in the supernatant of the treated water storage tank were measured, the removal rate was 90% or more during all experimental conditions and periods, and no significant difference was observed in the range of this removal rate.
The pH of treated water was around 6.5 in the air system and around 8.0 in the oxygen system. This difference seems to be due to the presence or absence of carbon dioxide in the air.
4. Conclusion and Future Task
(1) Conclusion
From the results of this series of experiments, the following items were qualitatively confirmed.
1) In oxygen aeration, the activated sludge had a clear blanket interface and good settling efficiency.
2) The composition of the microbial community of the activated sludge changes drastically when the DO in the aeration tank is around 15 mg/L.
3) With a high dissolved oxygen system, a system without excess sludge removal (cell synthesis amount ≈ autooxidation amount) can be maintained.
(2) Future task
Since it was an experimental system with a small sealed container, the fluctuation range of DO and MLSS was large, and it was difficult to quantify the mass balance, making it difficult to quantify the design and operating conditions.Scale-up verification experiments are needed.
1) 環境技術学会、2007年5月号:特集「汚泥減量化技術とコストダウン」
2) 日本下水道事業団、昭和56年: 酸素活性汚泥法の評価に関する第3次報告書
3) UNOXシステム・カタログ:酸素曝気方式活性汚泥システム
1) Society of Environmental Conservation Engineering, May 2007: Special Feature “Sludge Reduction Technology and Cost Reduction”.
2) Japan Sewage Works Agency, 1981: Third Report on Evaluation of Oxygen Activated Sludge Method.
3) UNOX System Catalog: Oxygen aeration activated sludge system.
更新日:2020年08月12日 (英語版を追加)
Published: May 30. 2017.
Updated: August 12, 2020 (English version added).