山口県宇部市から情報発信、Infomation from Ube City, Japan



Outline of water purification technology – Introduction
村上定瞭(水浄化フォーラム), Sadaaki Murakami (Water & Solutions Forum)




  Water treatment includes water treatment for water use and wastewater treatment after use. Here, the outline of the treatment technology for removing pollutants mainly from wastewater is described.
 There are a wide variety of pollutant treatment technologies: (1) life-based or industrial, (2) whether the pollutant is organic or inorganic, suspended or soluble, chemically or biodegradable, or (3) the concentration of pollutant. The technology to be applied varies depending on the amount of waste water, the discharge standard, etc., and the treatment process is usually composed of a combination of several elemental technologies. The elemental technology of water treatment is based on various principles as shown in Table 1, and these are classified into physical method, physical chemical method, chemical method, and biological method. Selecting and combining the most appropriate methods according to the quality of the generated wastewater, and an effective and economical system is adopted.

表1 水処理の原理と要素技術
Table 1 Water treatment principles and elemental technologies.

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